As 2013 A.D. ended as devastatingly as it began, I reviewed the year in my life thus far. I am in the process of accomplishing my goals: I will be graduating with my Doctorate in Podiatric Medicine in May 2014, the KeyPAP flourishes brightly as ever, and overall I am happy with my life and the direction that it is in. However, as I perused the annals of my individual 2013 history, I came to a part in my life that I was extremely dissatisfied, and, frankly, thoroughly disgusted with.
The paunch.
In its noun form, it means “a large and protruding belly; a potbelly.” Or also, in nautical terms, “a thick mat that prevents chafing.” I believe the first is more appropriate.
"This turtleneck is so good at being thick and the prevention of chafing. I get Bonair's every time I put it on!" |
I let myself go. I became lazy, unenthused, and bored with exercising. In 2013, I viewed working out not as a goal to continually better myself, but as an obstacle that lay between my studying, eating, and facebooking. Luckily, two things changed my thoughts:
#1 – Consistent harassment from the Founding Fathers of the KeyPAP.
Harassment not in the sense of, “I’m going to file charges against you for harassing me and saying mean things and I am not MAN enough to handle it.” But the good kind. The kind that stirs in your loins, lights a fire from deep within, and looks to expel all of the terrible things inside of you in order to make yourself the best possible human. Dr. Funk, Smits, the First Ladies, and lastly, The One Known as Beebles (TOKaB, for short) all constantly harassed me, and rightly so. I was still muscular, but shapeless. I had a midsection of Play-Doh®. I felt as doughy as an uncooked stromboli. I needed the abuse, I thrived off the abuse, and I turned it from a negative to a positive.
#2 – Smits MANLY performance as the first ever KeyPAP 2013 Strongman Performance of the Year.
We all saw the videos, heard the grunts of pain and agony, but reveled in his strength and mastering of the perilous weights. He achieved victory as only a man of the KeyPAP can: through a skin-tight, nearly bulge-showing, wrestling singlet. Smits was a man of action, and I wanted it back.
I yearned for the sound of iron. I missed the feel of the cold, never wiped-down, probably loaded with tetanus and MRSA, steel on my hands. I pined as I would get ready to shower, seeing the abomination that I had become. “If I don’t think I look good, surely the opposite sex thinks I’m revolting,” thoughts ran through my head. I needed to change.
I began to eat healthier and less. I also began running to the gym from my Philadelphia house. And when at the gym, I worked out like the old days of college - like a MAN. No more of this, “I think I’m going to do 3x20 bench press of 135 lbs.” crap. I began to bulk back up, like only a meatball can.
I am still in the process of changing my lifestyle and body, but I am fully committed. 2014 will be the year that the paunch is defeated. Even as I sit here now, my muscles call out from within to be burned. As the great Arnold once eloquently stated:
I will leave you all with 2 inspirational quotes that I use daily, while in the process of Purging the Paunch™.
“Be strong and of a good courage. Act for the best, hope for the best, and take what comes . . . If death ends all, we cannot meet death better.” – James Fitzjames Stephen
“Time for dem gymtitties!” – Me